Lana Kraft RMT


Lana Marie Holistic Healing

Registered Massage Therapist and Energy Practitioner

I am Lana Marie, a passionate and dedicated Registered Massage Therapist with a journey that began over two decades ago. My exploration into the healing arts was sparked by the profound transformation I experienced as a client of Myofascial Release and Reiki. These experiences ignited a deep passion within me, leading me to pursue formal training, first in Reiki in 2005, and later in massage therapy in 2009, where I attained 2200 hour diploma, graduating with honors. It was during my first year of massage school that I attended my first John Barnes Myofascial Release (MFR) seminar. Throughout my 15 year career, I've continually expanded my expertise, continuing my training in MFR, Craniosacral Therapy, and Intuitive Healing. 

With a profound belief in the body's innate capacity to heal itself, I embarked on a journey to explore the intricate relationship between the physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of wellness. Trained extensively in John Barnes Myofascial Release, a technique based on a light sustained pressure, which is gentle yet highly effective, addresses the fascial system's profound influence on overall health, I bring a unique blend of therapeutic modalities to facilitate  healing  experiences for my clients.

My approach is rooted in the understanding that true  healing encompasses more than just the physical body. By incorporating energy work into my practice, I tap into the body's subtle energy systems to promote balance, release energetic blockages, and restore vitality on a deep level. Drawing from modalities such as Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, and intuitive touch, I create a safe and sacred space where clients can reconnect with their inner wisdom and experience profound transformation.

Whether you're seeking relief from acute or chronic pain, recovering from injury, or simply longing for a sense of harmony and alignment in you life, I am here to support you on your journey to wellness. Each session is tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a personalized and deeply restorative experience that nurtures your body, mind, and spirit.

I am deeply honored to be a facilitator on your path to holistic healing, and I look forward to accompanying you as you rediscover the joy of vibrant health and vitality. Remember, investing in yourself is the greatest act of self-care


What is Myofascial Release?

John Barnes Myofascial Release (MFR) is a highly effective therapeutic technique that addresses the body's fascial system to promote healing and alleviate pain and discomfort. Developed by John F. Barnes, PT, MFR is grounded in the understanding that the fascia, a dense connective tissue network that surrounds and interconnects every muscle, bone, nerve, and organ in the body, plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being.

Unlike traditional massage therapy that primarily focuses on muscles, MFR targets the fascial system, which can become tight, restricted, or distorted due to injury, trauma, inflammation, or chronic stress. These restrictions can exert excessive pressure on sensitive nerves and tissues, leading to pain, limited mobility, and dysfunction.

MFR uses gentle, sustained pressure and stretching techniques to release fascial restrictions and restore optimal mobility and function to the affected areas. By applying pressure over time, MFR allows the fascia to elongate, soften, and rehydrate, promoting better circulation, lymphatic drainage, and tissue healing.

One of the distinguishing features of John Barnes Myofascial Release is its holistic approach to healing. Rather than simply addressing the symptoms, MFR aims to identify and address the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction, taking into account the interconnectedness of the body's physical, emotional, and energetic aspects.

MFR is a versatile technique that can be adapted to address a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain syndromes, musculoskeletal disorders, sports injuries, headaches, and emotional trauma. It can be incorporated into various healthcare settings, including physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and wellness practices.

Overall, John Barnes Myofascial Release offers a gentle yet powerful approach to promoting healing and restoring balance to the body. With its focus on releasing fascial restrictions and addressing the root causes of pain and dysfunction, MFR can help individuals achieve lasting relief and improve their overall quality of life.


MFR Benefits...


Myofascial Release (MFR) is a therapeutic technique that can provide relief for a variety of conditions by addressing restrictions in the fascial system. It offers a wide range of benefits for both physical and emotional Healing. Some of the conditions that MFR can help include:

Chronic Pain Syndromes: Conditions such as fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, and chronic low back pain often involve fascial restrictions. MFR can help alleviate pain by releasing tension and restoring mobility in affected areas.

Musculoskeletal Disorders: MFR can be beneficial for a wide range of musculoskeletal issues, including neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. By addressing fascial restrictions, MFR can help reduce stiffness, and alleviate discomfort.​

Improved Range of Motion: By addressing restrictions in the fascia, MFR can help increase flexibility and mobility, allowing for improved range of motion in joints and muscles.

Postural Imbalances: Poor posture can contribute to a variety of musculoskeletal issues and discomfort. MFR techniques can help release fascial restrictions that may be contributing to postural imbalances, allowing the body to find a more aligned and balanced posture

Headaches and Migraines: Tension headaches and migraines are often associated with muscular tension and fascial restrictions in the head, neck, and shoulders. MFR can help release tension in these areas, providing relief from headache symptoms.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction: TMJ disorders can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty with jaw movement. MFR techniques applied to the muscles of the jaw and face can help release tension and improve jaw function.

Scar Tissue Adhesions: Surgery, injury, or trauma can result in the formation of scar tissue, which can restrict movement and contribute to pain and dysfunction. MFR can help soften and release scar tissue adhesions, promoting better healing and reducing discomfort.


Enhanced Athletic Performance: Athletes often experience improved performance and reduced risk of injury with regular MFR sessions. By addressing fascial restrictions and promoting better movement mechanics, MFR can help athletes move more efficiently and effectively

.Sports Injuries: Athletes often experience injuries related to overuse, repetitive motion, or trauma. MFR can help speed up the recovery process by releasing tension and restrictions in affected tissues, promoting better healing and reducing the risk of recurrence.

Emotional Trauma and Stress: The fascial system can hold onto emotional tension and trauma, contributing to physical discomfort and stress. MFR techniques can help release emotional holding patterns stored in the fascia, promoting relaxation and emotional well-being.


Overall, Myofascial Release offers a holistic approach to healing that addresses the interconnectedness of the body and mind. By releasing tension and restrictions in the fascial system, MFR can promote optimal health and well-being on physical, emotional, and energetic levels.